
Advisor: The immediate Past President serves as Advisor to counsel the President, advises on matters of Parliamentary procedure, and serves ex officio as a non-voting member of the Board. Lynne Lenhardt, Advisor

Auditing: Audits the accounts of the Treasurer and presents a written report before July 31, which is presented at the first general meeting in the Fall. Deanne Sodergren, Chair

Bylaws:  Receives all proposals for amending the Bylaws, drafts the proposals, records adopted amendments, and reviews the Club’s file of motions at least every four years. Lynne Lenhardt, Chair

Civic Engagement: Keeps informed of the actions of the Bethlehem Town Board and the Bethlehem Central School District Board of Education, reporting significant actions to the Club.  Barbara Hogan, Chair 

Club History/Scrapbook: Is responsible for the Club scrapbook, inserting all programs, newspaper articles, or anything related to the Club and its work that might have historical interest, and for preserving at least two copies of each Yearbook and Bylaws. Debbie Gall, Chair

Community Service: Recommends and provides leadership for projects that will benefit the local community in need of voluntary assistance and contributes as the Club may direct to other educational or charitable institutions.  Kathy Raffe, Linda Reddy and Mary Ellen Caporta, Co-chairs

Red Cross Blood Drive: Many DPC members volunteer at Red Cross blood drives in the region throughout the year.  Phyllis Drew, Coordinator

Soles4Souls: This program collects unwanted shoes to help lift people out of poverty, as well as keeping the shoes out of landfills.  Wilma DeLucco, Coordinator

Communications and Technology: Supports the internal and external communications of the Club using a variety of methods. The Committee is available as a resource on the use of technology in relation to Club activities. Barbara Hogan and Joan Gavrilik, Co-chairs

Federation: Informs the Club of activities in the General and State Federations.  Carolyn Bennett, Coordinator

Finance: Acts in an advisory capacity upon all questions involving appropriations of money, acts as the official agency of the Board of Directors of the Club in all financial transactions, and presents the budget for the coming year at the annual meeting in May.  Deanne Sodergren, Chair

Legislative: Keeps informed of current legislation, brings important measures to the attention of the Club, and presents resolutions for consideration by the State Federation.  Linda Graf, Chair

Membership: Receives applications for membership; introduces new members;  notifies the Club of inactive members, life members, resignations, and deaths; and arranges an orientation for new members at the end of June.  Second Vice President Debbie Gall, Chair

Nominating: Presents all slates of candidates.  Susan Haswell, Chair (Term Expiring in 2024, Vacant; Term Expiring in 2025, Joan Gavrilik; Term Expiring in 2026, Marjory O’Brien; Term Expiring in 2026, Deanne Sodergren)

Program Committee: Plans the entertainment for the Fall and Spring Banquets and the Holiday Tea. Chair, First Vice President, Vacant

Publicity: Responsible for issuing press releases and handling publicity for the Club. Chair vacant

Scholarship: Confers with the proper authorities in the selection of suitable candidates for State, District or other scholarships, and to select recipient(s) of the Club scholarship. Maryalice Svare, Chair

Social: Responsible for procuring refreshments for special occasions designated by the President and for arrangements for Fall/Spring Banquets and Holiday Tea, excluding programs. Carolyn Bennett, temporary Chair

Telephone Committee:  Jo Ann Supan, Chair

Yearbook: Responsible for the publication and distribution of the Yearbook.  Joan Gavrilik and Barbara Hogan, Co-chairs